DMC Consulting Pte Ltd Odoo版本 13.0+e-20230607
关于 DMC Consulting Pte Ltd Odoo实例, 开源ERP.
- CRM模块:用于客户关系管理,将客户价值最大化。
- 网站
- 该模块可迅速帮助企业建立官方网站,具有树立企业品牌形象、提升企业信誉、品牌推广、产品展示、传播企业文化、扩展销售渠道等功效。
- 项目
- 该模块能有效帮助您的项目管理以及项目计划安排等。
- 开票
- 开票和付款
- 销售
- 从报价到发票
- 备注
- 用备忘录组织你的工作
- 电子商务
- 在线销售你的产品
- DMC - Operations
- Sign Debranding
- 员工
- 集中员工信息
- 招聘
- 跟踪您的招聘管道
- 仪表板
- 创建自定义仪表盘
- No Auto Subscription
- The tool to exclude automatic following for message recipients
- 联系人
- 集中地址簿
- KnowSystem
- The tool to build deep and structured knowledge base for internal and external use
- 讨论
- 聊天, 邮件网关和私有频道
- Mail Force Sender (Fix zoho mail / smtp relaying)
- Mail Force Sender (Fix zoho mail / smtp relaying)
- 订阅
- 生成定期重复性发票并管理续订
- Animated Snippets
- Do you want to show a beautiful effect on-page? So you are the right place. This module useful to make your webpage beautiful with different Animated snippets. you can use this snippet without any technical skill. you can easily add links to change images. if you want to see how it will work then please check out this video. Animated Snippets, Animated Snippet, Animated Snipet, Animated Content Box, Animated Box, Animated Blocks, Animated Block, Website Snippet, Animate snippet, Animation Snippet .
- hover effects Snippets
- Do you want to show a beautiful effect on-page? So you are the right place. This module useful to make your webpage beautiful with different hover effect snippets.. so very useful to show hover effects in this. you can use this snippet without any technical skill. you can easily add links to change images. if you want to see how it will work then please check out this video. hover effects Snippets, hover effects Snippet,hover effect Block,hover effects Blocks,Website Snippet, hover effects Snipet, hover effects Box, hover effects Content Box.
- Website Language Selector
- This module usefull to give language selection option in website.
- 签署
- 发送文档到网上签名和处理填写的副本
- Theme Scita
- Mobile-first & most versatile Odoo theme. Perfect for E-Commerce, Fashion, IT, Furniture and other 35+ industries.
- 工时表
- 该模块用于工时表的管理等。
- 调查
- 创建调查问卷和答案分析
- 邮件营销
- 生成、发送和跟踪EMail
- 日历
- 员工会议管理
- 博客
- 发布博客帖子,公告,新闻
- 在线招聘
- 管理线上招聘流程
- 在线聊天
- 与你网站访问者聊天